2011-02-14 …
The 1949 film: The Third Man – directed by Carol Reed, with the haunting zither music of Anton Karas, and starring Joseph Cotton, Alida Valli, Orson Welles and Trevor Howard … also ‘stars’ the war-damaged city of Vienna, in Austria.
The film screenplay, based on his own original story, was written by Graham Greene.
Late in the Film … having discovered that Harry Lime (Orson Welles) is, after all, alive … Holly Martins (Joseph Cotton) demands to meet him at the Prater Giant Ferris Wheel …
Holly and Harry Lime Meet at the Prater Giant Ferris Wheel
Click the Link Above to Download and/or View this Film Scene Clip (Flash Video File, 4.40 Mb)

Wiener Prater – the Prater in Vienna – is a large public park situated in the centre-city district of ‘Leopoldstadt’ … and located between the River Danube (German: Donau) and the Danube Canal. The Wurstelprater Amusement Park stands at one corner of the Prater and includes the Riesenrad (English: Giant Ferris Wheel).


The Prater Giant Ferris Wheel was built in 1896-97 by the engineer, Walter B. Basset … a retired British naval officer. He also built similar Wheels – very popular at the end of the 19th Century – in Chicago, London, Blackpool and Paris. Only the Prater Ferris Wheel, in Vienna, survives today.

The Giant Ferris Wheel is 61.0 metres in diameter and turns with a speed of 0.75 m per second. On a clear day, it presents a magnificent panorama of the city from each of its 15 cabins.


