Environmental Crisis

The International Fraud of Plastics Recycling & E.U. Statistical Reliability ?!?

2024-02-17:  A very recent Report: The Fraud of Plastic Recycling – How Big Oil and the Plastics Industry Deceived the Public for Decades and Caused the Plastic Waste Crisis … published by the Centre for Climate Integrity ( www.climateintegrity,org ), in Washington D.C., #USA … raises serious issues about whether Any Plastic Recycling is technically or economically viable at scale … and serious questions, by implication, about Statistical Reliability in the European Union (#EU) concerning Recycling generally, and Plastics Recycling in particular.

Could this also be the Reason why the Global North is so busy dumping Un-Recyclable Plastics in the previously colonized territories of the Global South ???


Short Extract From This Report’s Introduction …

Plastic Pollution is one of the most serious Environmental Crises facing the world today.  Between 1950 and 2015, over 90% of plastics were landfilled, incinerated, or leaked into the environment.  Plastic Waste is ubiquitous – from our rivers, lakes, and oceans to roadways and coastlines.  It is in ‘the air we breathe, the food we eat, and the water we drink’.  One study estimates that humans ingest up to five grams, or the equivalent of one credit card worth of plastic per week.  Some of the largest Oil and Gas Companies are among the 20 petrochemical companies responsible for more than half of all single-use plastics generated globally.  #ExxonMobil, for example, is the world’s top producer of single-use plastic polymers.

Underpinning this Plastic Waste Crisis is a decades-long campaign of #Fraud and #Deception about the #Recyclability of #Plastics.  Despite their long-standing knowledge that recycling plastic is neither technically nor economically viable, petrochemical companies – independently and through their industry trade associations and front groups – have engaged in fraudulent marketing and public education campaigns designed to mislead the public about the viability of plastic recycling as a solution to Plastic Waste.


February 2024

The Fraud of Plastic Recycling – How Big Oil and the Plastics Industry Deceived the Public for Decades and Caused the Plastic Waste Crisis

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This Report’s Conclusion …

By deceiving consumers, policymakers, and regulators about the viability of Plastic Recycling, petrochemical companies have ensured the continued expansion of plastic production, which has led to a Plastic Waste and Pollution Crisis for communities across the country.  The costs of managing and cleaning up Plastic Waste are largely borne by municipal and state governments – and those costs are projected to increase exponentially in the coming decades, given that Plastic Waste generation in the United States of America is expected to increase from 73 million metric tonnes in 2019 to more than 140 million metric tonnes by 2060.

If not for the Big Oil and the plastic industry’s lies and deception, municipalities and states would not have invested in plastic recycling programmes and facilities – many of which have been shut down due to foreseeable economic losses.  The industry not only misled municipal and state agencies to believe that Plastic Recycling was a viable solution to Plastic Waste but also discouraged them from pursuing other, more Sustainable Waste Management Strategies (e.g., waste reduction, reuse, bans, alternative materials) in favour of plastic recycling.

Fossil fuel and other petrochemical companies should now be held accountable for their deliberate campaign of deception and the resulting harms, much like tobacco and opioid companies that employed a similar playbook.  Based on the growing body of evidence, municipalities and states are likely to pursue litigation, which could put an end to the industry’s deception, make the companies pay for the devastating harms they have caused to communities, and open the door to real solutions that are currently out of reach.


February 2024

Link To … Excerpts of Key Documents Cited in ‘The Fraud of Plastic Recycling’

(PDF File, Warning 30.53 MB)




#Sustainability #InternationalFraud #Plastics #PlasticsRecycling #EUstatisticalReliability #GlobalNorth #GlobalSouth #PlasticPollution #EnvironmentalCrisis #PlasticWaste #OilCompanies #GasCompanies #TechnicalViability #EconomicViability #PlasticsIndustry #BigOil #ClimateIntegrity #Reliability #Resilience #SustainableWasteManagementStrategies #SIA #SustainabilityImpactAssessment