Ambiguous IHRA Definition of ‘Anti-Semitism’ – The Good, The Bad & The Ugly. There is a More Recent, Much Better Definition !

2024-09-25:  As we approach the 1st Anniversary of the latest phase in the continuing Palestinian #Nakba … now is an appropriate moment to closely examine the controversial and ambiguous 2016 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Definition of Anti-Semitism.  Let’s see what it actually says, and what it doesn’t say.

[ The #IHRA … … is an inter-governmental organization with a mandate focused on addressing contemporary challenges related to the #Holocaust during the 2nd World War in Europe, and #Genocide of the Roma.  It fosters education, remembrance, and research about what happened in the past, to build a world without Genocide in the future. ]

The 2016 IHRA Definition is a non-legally binding working definition, which was adopted on 26 May 2016 in Bucharest, Romania ;  it is short … and I would agree that it is a good beginning, worthy of support.  However, I am more than a little curious as to why ‘non-Jewish’ individuals were included in the actual definition.  What does that mean ?  Does anybody know ??

‘Anti-Semitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred towards Jews.  Rhetorical and physical manifestations of anti-semitism are directed towards Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, towards Jewish community institutions and religious facilities.’

Unfortunately, there is a glaring difficulty with the appended ‘examples’ which ‘may serve as illustrations’ in order ‘to guide IHRA in its work’.  Some examples constrain legitimate freedom of expression which is NOT anti-semitic.  Other examples, as is obvious in the context of current criminal and barbaric Israeli State Political Policies and Military Actions in Occupied Palestine and Lebanon, must never be supported.

Of particular note, in passing, is the following sentence directly under the boxed definition on Page 1 …

‘ However, criticism of Israel similar to that levelled against any other country cannot be regarded as anti-semitic.’

The fundamental flaw, and error, with this document … and the reason for its ‘bad’ and ‘ugly’ aspects, is that it utterly fails to distinguish between the Jewish Religion, which should be protected … and the secular, racist and colonialist Zionist Ideological Project, founded in Europe during the 1890’s, aimed at establishing a Greater Israel (“from the river to the river” – the Euphrates to the Nile) in lands which are already inhabited by other peoples in #Palestine, #Lebanon, #Jordan, #Kuwait, and parts of #Türkiye, #Syria, #Iraq, #SaudiArabia and #Egypt.  Today, the world continues to see torrents of horrific scenes, on their television/computer/smartphone screens, of what happens to those vulnerable indigenous peoples.


Graphic Image, in black and white, showing Page 1 of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Definition of Anti-Semitism, which was adopted on 26 May 2016 in Bucharest, Romania.  This page contains the short working definition (boxed text), with some appended examples of what the ambiguous definition purports to mean.  Click to enlarge.
Graphic Image, in black and white, showing Page 2 of the 2016 International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Definition of Anti-Semitism.  This page contains some more examples of what the ambiguous definition on Page 1 purports to mean.  Click to enlarge.


As a direct response to the many flaws and errors in the IHRA document above … the 2021 Jerusalem Declaration on Anti-Semitism was adopted, after much consultation, on 25 March 2021.  See the extensive list of international scholars in the fields of Holocaust history, Jewish studies, and Middle East (including Palestine) studies who developed and signed the Declaration …

The Jerusalem Declaration’s simpler and much better definition is as follows …

‘Anti-Semitism is discrimination, prejudice, hostility or violence against Jews as Jews (or Jewish institutions as Jewish).’


Graphic Image, in colour, showing Page 1: Preamble of the Jerusalem Declaration on Anti-Semitism, which was adopted on 25 March 2021.  Click to enlarge.
Graphic Image, in colour, showing Page 2: Definition & Guidelines of the Jerusalem Declaration on Anti-Semitism, which was adopted on 25 March 2021.  Click to enlarge.



  1. With regard to Guideline A.2 in the 2021 Jerusalem Declaration … the public at large in very many countries has become fully acquainted with the widespread, aggressive lobbying activities of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee ( ).  #AIPAC does control the #USA Government with the almost ‘hidden hand’ of many, many USA Dollars.  Refer to #TrackAIPAC …
  1. Anti-Semitism or Antisemitism ?  The spelling format adopted by the Jewish Virtual Library is ‘Anti-Semitism’.  This is also my own preference, as it is easier to read.  Follow the interesting discussion …




#AntiSemitism #IHRAdefinition #JerusalemDeclaration #WarCrimes #GreaterIsrael #RobustInternationalLaw #UN #ICJ #ICC #LastingPeace #Sustainability

Inclusive Accessibility of The Built Environment & Successful Implementation In Japan

2024-09-14:  Inclusive Accessibility of the Built Environment – ‘Accessibility for All’ – is a dynamic, continuously evolving concept … the effective implementation of which is essential if we are to realize a Safe, Resilient and Sustainable Built Environment … for ALL, i.e. including everybody, every ‘Person’ in society … particularly ‘Vulnerable People’.

Whether it’s People with Activity Limitations (2001 WHO ICF), or #Refugees, or #Migrants … how does ‘Inclusion’ differ from ‘Integration’ ?

Graphic Image, in colour, showing the meaning of ‘social inclusion’… and differentiating that concept from ‘integration’, ‘segregation’, and ‘exclusion’.  Always grateful to Solidarité Lilloise Étudiante (So’Lille – France) for this very clever and informative image.  Click to enlarge.


Vulnerable People :

Those people – in a community, society or culture – who are most at risk of being physically, psychologically or sociologically wounded, hurt, damaged, injured, or killed … and include, for example, people with disabilities, young children, people with health conditions, frail older people, women in late pregnancy, refugees, migrants, prisoners, the poor, and homeless.

People with Activity Limitations (2001 WHO ICF) :

Those people, of all ages, who are unable to perform, independently and without assistance, basic human activities or tasks – because of a health condition or physical / mental / cognitive / psychological impairment of a permanent or temporary nature.

Accessibility of a Building :

Encompasses the complete cycle of independent use of a building – in a dignified manner and on an equal basis with others – including the approach, entry and usability of the building and its facilities, services and information/communication systems, egress from the building during normal conditions and removal from its vicinity and, most importantly, evacuation during an emergency to a place of safety remote from the building and reached by way of an accessible route … by all of the building’s potential users, with an assurance of their health, safety, welfare and security during the course of those activities.

Successful Accessibility Implementation :  [ Principle 2 – 2015 Dublin Declaration on ‘Fire Safety for All’ in Buildings ]

Successful Accessibility Implementation … meaning high quality accessibility performance in the built environment … is reliant upon:

  • A robust Legal Base mandating accessibility for all and fire safety for all ;
  • Determined Political Will ;
  • Sufficient public Financial Resources ;
  • A compassionate and understanding Bureaucracy at all levels ;
  • Competence … meaning duly educated, trained and experienced in accessibility and fire safety design … spatial planners, architects, structural engineers, fire engineers, quantity surveyors, technical controllers, industrial designers, building managers, and people at all levels in construction organizations ;
  • Independent Monitoring of accessibility and fire safety performance ;
  • Innovative, well-designed accessibility and fire safety related Products and Systems which can be shown to be ‘fit for their intended use’.


Accessible Train Toilet Room in Japan :

Colour Photograph (1 of 7) showing an Accessible Train Toilet Room in Japan.  Photograph by CJ Walsh.  2024-04-13.  Click to enlarge.
Colour Photograph (2 of 7) showing an Accessible Train Toilet Room in Japan.  Photograph by CJ Walsh.  2024-04-13.  Click to enlarge.


Colour Photograph (3 of 7) showing an Accessible Train Toilet Room in Japan.  Photograph by CJ Walsh.  2024-04-13.  Click to enlarge.
Colour Photograph (4 of 7) showing an Accessible Train Toilet Room in Japan. Photograph by CJ Walsh. 2024-04-13. Click to enlarge.
Colour Photograph (5 of 7) showing an Accessible Train Toilet Room in Japan.  Photograph by CJ Walsh.  2024-04-13.  Click to enlarge.


Colour Photograph (6 of 7) showing an Accessible Train Toilet Room in Japan.  Photograph by CJ Walsh.  2024-04-13.  Click to enlarge.
Colour Photograph (7 of 7) showing an Accessible Train Toilet Room in Japan.  Photograph by CJ Walsh.  2024-04-13.  Click to enlarge.


Principle 9 – 2004 Rio Declaration on Sustainable Social Development, Disability & Ageing :

Concerted and properly resourced programmes of #Disability and #Age Related education and training should be provided in every U.N. Member State … at all levels … to politicians, educationalists, bureaucrats, administrators, and technical personnel connected, directly or indirectly, with the spatial planning, design, construction/de-construction, operation, management and maintenance of the Human Environment – in order to ensure that the implementation and monitoring of disability and age related Sustainable Social Policies, and the requirements of International Law, are competent and effective.

The #Dignity, #Privacy, #Autonomy and #Independence of every #Person should be respected.

Every U.N. Member State should adopt measures for the production and management of national disability and age related #Statistics – within an agreed and harmonized international framework – which are impartial, reliable, objective, scientifically independent, and accessible to the Public.

For #Survival and #Liberation, the priority targets for a comprehensive range of disability and age related sustainable social policies should be …

–  Residential Buildings ;

–  Public Transport … including buses, coaches, taxis, trams, trains, ferries, ships and planes ;

–  Educational Buildings ;

–  Places of Work.

Good #Education, within a context of Lifelong Learning for All, and Good #Employment are important keys to Social Inclusion.

For #Health and #SocialWellbeing, the priority targets for a comprehensive range of disability and age related sustainable social policies should be …

–  Health Facilities ;

–  Electronic, Information & Communication Technologies (#EICT’s) ;

–  Civic Buildings ;

–  Existing Buildings & Infrastructure … of Historical, Cultural or Architectural Importance.

In the short term, properly resourced programmes of work should be carried out and monitored in all U.N. Member States – in order to ensure that the Human Environment (social, built, institutional and virtual) is effectively Accessible for All.



END – But More Examples To Follow !

#Inclusive Accessibility #Accessibility4ALL #VulnerablePeople #PwAL #2001whoICF #PwD #FrailOlderPeople #Buildings #BuiltEnvironment #SocialInclusion #RioDeclaration2004 #FireSafety4ALL #DublinDeclaration2015 #NobodyLeftBehind #EthicalDesign #UNmemberStates #InternationalLaw #Sustainability #SocialWellbeing4ALL

Legal Consequences For All Other U.N. Member States Arising From Israel’s Policies And Practices & From The Illegality Of Israel’s Continued Presence In The Occupied Palestinian Territory

2024-09-06:  The International Court of Justice (ICJ) published an Advisory Legal Opinion / Avis Juridique Consultatif on 19 July 2024.

Following is an Extract from that Document … Section VII B … Paragraphs 278 & 279 … which set out, very clearly, the legal consequences for ALL OTHER MEMBER STATES of the United Nations (#UN) concerning their dealings with the State of Israel …

ALL OTHER MEMBER STATES of the United Nations are OBLIGED to comply, and without undue delay … in stark view of the State of Israel’s criminal political and military environment.

  1. Taking note of the resolutions of the U.N. Security Council and General Assembly, the International Court of Justice is of the view that Member States are under an obligation not to recognize any changes in the physical character or demographic composition, institutional structure or status of the territory occupied by Israel on 5 June 1967, including East Jerusalem, except as agreed by the parties through negotiations, and to distinguish in their dealings with Israel between the territory of the State of Israel and the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967.  The Court considers that the duty of distinguishing dealings with Israel between its own territory and the Occupied Palestinian Territory encompasses, inter alia, the obligation to abstain from treaty relations with Israel in all cases in which it purports to act on behalf of the Occupied Palestinian Territory or a part thereof on matters concerning the Occupied Palestinian Territory or a part of its territory ;  to abstain from entering into economic or trade dealings with Israel concerning the Occupied Palestinian Territory or parts thereof which may entrench its unlawful presence in the territory ;  to abstain, in the establishment and maintenance of diplomatic missions in Israel, from any recognition of its illegal presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory ;  and to take steps to prevent trade or investment relations that assist in the maintenance of the illegal situation created by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (see Legal Consequences for States of the Continued Presence of South Africa in Namibia (South West Africa) notwithstanding Security Council Resolution 276 (1970), Advisory Opinion, I.C.J. Reports 1971, pp. 55-56, paras. 122, 125-127).
  1. Moreover, the Court considers that, in view of the character and importance of the rights and obligations involved, all States are under an obligation not to recognize as legal the situation arising from the unlawful presence of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.  They are also under an obligation not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by Israel’s illegal presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.  It is for all States, while respecting the Charter of the United Nations and International Law, to ensure that any impediment resulting from the illegal presence of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory to the exercise of the Palestinian people of its right to self-determination is brought to an end.  In addition, all the States Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention have the obligation, while respecting the Charter of the United Nations and International Law, to ensure compliance by Israel with international humanitarian law as embodied in that Convention.


Israel’s Expanding Colonial Occupation of Palestine …

Graphic Image, in colour, showing a sequence of Maps – at years: 1917; 1946; 1947; 1967; Present Day – of a Shrinking Palestine with the corresponding Expanding Colonial Occupation by Israel.  Not shown are the post-1967 occupied Golan Heights in Syria and Sinai Peninsula in Egypt.  Click to enlarge.

Notes …

1882 – The first Zionist Colony (Hebrew: ‘Aliyah’, the act of going up towards the holy city of Jerusalem) … Rishon LeZion … established in Ottoman Palestine by Jewish immigrants from what was then the Russian Empire (today’s Kharkiv in #Ukraine).

1916 – Long before World War I ended in 1918 … the British & French (Sykes-Picot) Agreement to carve up the Ottoman Middle East between them.  Russia was excluded.

1917 – The Balfour Declaration … British Government statement of support for (‘view with favour’) the establishment of a ‘national home for the Jewish people’ … ‘it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine’.

1948 – #Nakba (Arabic: ‘catastrophe’) … Ethnic Cleansing / Expulsion of 750,000+ Palestinians … mass killings and violent displacement, with expropriation of lands, property and belongings … no right of return.

1967 – Arab-Israeli War (5-10 June), fought between Israel and a coalition of Arab States, primarily Egypt, Syria, Jordan … after which Israel illegally occupied: the Golan Heights in #Syria ;  the West Bank including East Jerusalem in #Jordan ;  the Sinai Peninsula and Gaza in #Egypt.




#UNcharter #InternationalLaw #UDHR #ICJ #ICC #HumanRights – #USA #UK #Germany #France #EU #Israel #CriminalState #Nakba #Apartheid #IOF #IsraelOccupationForces #WarCrimes #Genocide #Gaza #WestBank #EastJerusalem – #IndependentPalestine #BDS #SupportBDS – #LastingPeace #Sustainability #SIA #SustainabilityImpactAssessment